Current flood risk warnings for Crown water frontages

Some Crown water frontage campsites have been impacted by recent storms and floods. The waterways which have been impacted can be found below.

There are several safety risks when an area has been impacted by flooding, including:

  • access vehicle and walking tracks to camping sites can become unsafe to use
  • water saturation and flood debris can make camping unsafe
  • higher risk of tree-fall due to wet soils and strong winds
  • additional sites may be impacted as the floodwaters move downstream or as future storm events add to already swollen waterways.

DEECA will assess sites as floodwaters recede, however there may be delays in getting out to all sites. Due to this, campers are advised to take extreme caution if heading out to impacted areas.

Visit our water and flood safety tips on Explore Outdoors for more information.

Access to Crown water frontages

Victoria has an estimated 85,000 kilometres of rivers and creeks, with approximately 170,000 kilometres of frontage. Approximately 30,000 kilometres of this water frontage is Crown land, reserved under the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 for various purposes, for example, recreation, protection of riverbanks or is unreserved Crown land under the Land Act 1958. The remainder is private land, reserves, parks or state forest.

Crown water frontage is usually a strip of Crown land that runs alongside a waterway. They are typically located between the waterway and a private land boundary. Frontages can vary in width from 20 to 100 metres or more.

Some Crown water frontages are subject to licences issued by DEECA or Parks Victoria to the adjoining landowner/occupier under section 130 of the Land Act 1958. These licences are typically issued to allow the holder to graze livestock on the frontage. DEECA also issues 'riparian management licences', which recognise that the licensee manages all or part of the frontage to protect and improve the riparian environment through fencing off areas from grazing or supporting native vegetation. A licence provides conditions upon which access and use can occur, including the management of the licensed land.

Crown water frontages are a public asset for Victorians' recreational use and enjoyment. Crown water frontage licences do not provide an exclusive right or use by the licensee, and recreational use by the public is permitted.

Camping on licensed Crown water frontages

It is now even easier for Victorians to enjoy the great outdoors, with more river frontage land being made available for camping, fishing and recreation. The rules for river frontage camping are set out in the Regulated Watercourse Land Regulations.

Camping is permitted only in licensed areas that have been assessed and deemed suitable for camping. Designated camping sites are opening in stages. Newly available sites will be listed on this website once designated.

Before you go

  • Understand what rules apply to Crown river frontages.
  • Understand the common risks and hazards when accessing and camping on licensed Crown water frontages.
  • Understand your responsibility to protect the environment, Aboriginal cultural heritage, and farms.
  • Check the weather forecast and the latest flood warnings. Have another plan in case conditions are unfavourable or unsafe.

What to expect

Camping on licensed Crown water frontages provides unique camping opportunities near some of Victoria’s most popular rivers for fishing and recreation.

  • These camping areas are suited to experience and self-sufficient campers.
  • These areas are intended for dispersed camping. It is not expected that any additional facilities will be provided, or site maintenance is done.
  • Many licensed Crown water frontages are used for grazing livestock and are next to working farms.
  • Many camping areas are walk-in access only. Vehicle access is only permitted on a public formed road or track.
  • Campers must bring their own food, water, camping equipment and portable toilet if required.
  • Campfires may be permitted in some camping areas. Campfire safety rules and regulations apply. For more information, visit Fire restrictions and regulations
  • Campers must understand the risks and be responsible for their own safety and the safety of those in their care.
  • For more information, read the Camping on licensed Crown river frontage (PDF, 174.0 KB)


  • Many designated camping areas are walk-in only and may be one or more kilometres from the nearest parking area.
  • Campers must take care to use the map and access instructions provided on each campsite web page to safely access the area and avoid trespassing on private property. Trespassing on private land is illegal.
  • You may find gates, livestock, uneven terrain and other hazards
  • Leave all gates as you find them. Open gates must be left open. Closed gates must be left closed.


  • You may find livestock such as cattle or sheep on Crown water frontages licensed for grazing. Cattle, in particular, are curious and are startled easily by loud noises.
  • If cattle approach, avoid sudden movements and loud noises.
  • Store your food in a secure container to avoid attracting livestock and other animals.


  • Consider the weather before you venture out.
  • Check VicEmergency for information about current fires, Fire Danger Ratings and Total Fire Bans.
  • For weather forecasts and warnings, check the Bureau of Meteorology.
  • Consider rescheduling your visit during stormy weather or at times of high bushfire danger. Have a plan to evacuate if you need to.
  • For more information on total fire bans, campfire safety rules go to Fire restrictions and regulations

Tree hazards

  • When camping or having a picnic, beware.
  • Trees and limbs may fall unexpectedly.
  • Don’t set up a tent under trees.
  • Stormy and windy weather increases the risk that trees and limbs may fall.

Water and flood safety

  • Rivers have many hidden dangers. These can include submerged objects, debris, strong currents and flooding.
  • Don't camp within 20 metres of any watercourse. A storm well upstream from you could cause flash flooding.

Before you visit:

  1. Check the Bureau of Meteorology for weather forecasts and flood warnings
  2. Visit Explore Outdoors for flood safety tips and information.

Mobile phone coverage

  • Some areas don't have mobile phone coverage.
  • Consider taking a satellite phone or a personal locator beacon (PLB) for emergencies.


  • Camping permitted only in designated areas
  • No camping within 20 metres of the waterway
  • No camping within 200 metres of any nearby residence
  • Maximum stay 14 nights

Waste disposal

  • Portable toilets must be at least 50 metres from the waterway (and not on private property)
  • If not disposed of in a portable toilet, human waste and toilet paper must be buried more than 100 metres from the waterway (and not on private property)
  • All rubbish and belongings must be taken with you on departure.

Campfires and firewood

  • Campfires may be permitted in some designated areas - check the details of each area for campfire rules
  • Firewood collection is prohibited
  • No cutting, felling, picking, damaging or destroying of vegetation, whether alive or dead

General behaviour

  • No dogs allowed
  • Do not enter or cross private land without permission
  • Leave any gate as found
  • Do not interfere with or disturb livestock.

What has changed?

Prior to 1 September 2021, the public was permitted to access licensed Crown water frontages for recreation, such as walking, fishing, and picnicking, but was not permitted to camp or light a campfire.

Crown water frontages were regulated by the Land Regulations 2016 and the Forests (Recreation) (Temporary) Regulations 2021.

From 1 September 2021, camping is permitted on licensed areas that have been assessed and designated as suitable for camping. Campfires are permitted in some of these designated areas. Camping and campfires remain prohibited outside of these designated areas.

Crown water frontages (licensed and unlicensed) are now regulated by the Land (Regulated Watercourse Land) Regulations 2021.

Why did the rules change?

In 2018, Government committed as part of the ‘Fishing and Boating’ election commitments to “guarantee access to fishing and camping on Crown land that has grazing licences and river frontage.”

To implement this commitment, Parliament passed amendments to the Land Act 1958 to remove the prohibition on camping on licensed river frontages.

The amendments allowed for the making of regulations to manage camping and recreational activities on regulated watercourse land.

The draft regulations were released for public consultation from 3 March 2021 to 26 April 2021.

The regulations were refined to reflect the expectations of the community, voiced in the consultation, and came into effect on 1 September 2021.

What influenced the changes to the proposed regulations?

We received 1,100 submissions during consultation on the regulations and we have considered all of these submissions in refining the regulations.

We listened to a wide range of stakeholders including landowners and licensees, recreational users (including campers and anglers) interest groups and representative organisations.

We also consulted closely with Traditional Owners.

We believe the final regulations reflect the expectations of the entire community. They deliver a fair balance between providing opportunities for recreation while ensuring the environment is protected and the interests of adjoining landowners and licence holders are taken into account.

What is permitted on Crown water frontages?

Refer to the Crown water frontage: Access and recreational use (PDF, 200.0 KB) fact sheet to understand what you can and can’t do on Crown water frontages.

Is camping permitted on licensed Crown water frontages?

From September 1 2021, camping is permitted on licensed areas that have been assessed and designated as suitable for camping. Campfires are permitted in some of these designated areas.

Camping and campfires are prohibited in licensed Crown water frontages outside of these designated areas.

How are the designated areas for camping chosen?

The Department of Environment, Land Water and Planning is leading the assessment of sites, with the support of a number of other agencies. Assessments include consideration of environmental values and suitability for camping.

An assessment of Aboriginal cultural heritage will be undertaken by the relevant Traditional Owner group for that area.

Public safety and agricultural impacts have also been considered in the development of the regulations to determine where people will be able to camp.

What criteria does the assessment process consider?

The new regulations, including camping designations, do not apply to Crown water frontage in areas within national, state or regional parks, or Crown land reserves.

Areas of licensed Crown water frontage cannot be designated as a camping area if it is:

  • less than 20 metres in width (as camping is not permitted within 20 metres of a waterway)
  • less than 200 metres from a residential dwelling
  • being cultivated
  • subject to riparian management works (including the planting of vegetation and revegetation of the land)

In addition to the legislated criteria, the DELWP-led assessment process for designating camping areas considers environmental values, suitability for camping, public safety, and the interaction with adjoining farms. An assessment of Aboriginal cultural heritage will be undertaken by the relevant Traditional Owner group for that area.

Where will the first designated camping areas be located?

The designation of camping areas will initially focus on priority rivers in northern Victoria. More rivers across Victoria will follow as assessments are undertaken.

When will people be able to camp on these sites?

An initial list of sites will be available on this website. More areas will be progressively made available over the next 18 months.

How do visitors identify and access these new areas?

The DELWP website lists licensed river frontages that have been designated where camping is permitted.

This includes maps of the areas and appropriate access, and any information or conditions specific to the use of that area including whether campfires are permitted.

Access to camping sites on licensed Crown river frontages is only permitted via public access points. Trespassing on private land is illegal.

Where camping is permitted, signs will be erected to indicate the area available for camping.

Vehicle access on licensed Crown river frontages, other than on formed roads, remains prohibited and subject to the Land Conservation (Vehicle Control) Regulations 2013.

Will licensees be notified of the assessment process?

Yes. Licensees will be notified of any assessments being done in areas where they hold a licence.

How are the regulations being enforced?

Victorian Fisheries Authority operates a 24-hour hotline 13FISH for reporting misconduct and continues to work together with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, and Parks Victoria to enforce the regulations.

In the event of an emergency, call 000 and ask for the appropriate service.

What are licensed and unlicensed Crown water frontages?

A licensed Crown water frontage is Crown land that has a frontage to a waterway and is licensed under the Land Act 1958.

An unlicensed Crown water frontage is Crown land that has a frontage to a waterway and is not licensed under the Land Act 1958. It may, however, be licensed under the Forests Act 1958.

What is the difference between a licence and a lease?

A licence is not a lease. Licences are an authority to use the land for specific purposes, rather than the authority to occupy or use it exclusively.

A lease allows the lessee to exclusively occupy the land.

Generally, Crown water frontages are subject to licence, and not to a lease.

Who is the ‘land manager’ referred to in the regulations?

The regulations refer to the ‘land manager’. This refers to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning or Parks Victoria.

As these areas are Crown land, the licensee or adjoining landholder is not the land manager.

What is being done to ensure environmental values are protected?

By only allowing camping in designated areas, the impacts on environmental values will be minimised. The regulations also include provisions to protect the environment and water quality.

Are Aboriginal cultural and heritage sites protected?

Yes. Every Victorian has a responsibility to protect Victoria’s unique Aboriginal cultural heritage.

Under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 it is an offence to harm Aboriginal cultural heritage, even unknowingly. Land close to waterways is more sensitive for Aboriginal cultural heritage.

DELWP and Parks Victoria are committed to partnering with Traditional Owners to protect their Country, and the unique natural and cultural values that their cultural landscapes contain.

The assessments of licensed areas will ensure appropriate measures are adopted to ensure Aboriginal cultural heritage is protected.

This will provide certainty and confidence to users that they are free to enjoy these precious landscapes without fear of causing harm to irreplaceable Aboriginal heritage.

What facilities will be provided in designated camping areas on licensed Crown water frontages?

The identification of licensed Crown water frontages where camping is permitted is intended for dispersed camping. It is not expected that any additional facilities be provided, or site maintenance is undertaken.

At a few identified campsites you may be able to have a campfire, and will need to bring your own firewood. The use fallen timber or living material for fires is prohibited on all licensed Crown water frontages.

How will the government ensure public safety on licensed Crown water frontages?

Campers and recreational visitors to Crown water frontages use the areas at their own risk. Campers are responsible for their own safety and the safety of those in their care. Campers should be prepared for any natural hazards or outdoor risks when visiting public land, including public land subject to a grazing licence for livestock.

In the event of a flood, fire, natural disaster, or another emergency, the land manager (DELWP or PV) may temporarily close an area of Crown water frontage to protect public safety.

How will the government ensure biosecurity is protected?

The public is already able to access licensed Crown river frontages for recreation. Many of the regulations are similar to those previously in place and we expect recreational visitors to be respectful of the activities of licensees and landholders.

Many farms are subject to strict biosecurity requirements. We expect visitors to the public land adjacent to farms to be considerate of these requirements.

Visitors to Crown water frontages are not permitted to bring animals (with some exceptions), vegetation, soil, rock, or similar materials onto Crown river frontage to protect biosecurity and the environment. Visitors must remove all waste and personal property for which they are responsible.

Who is responsible for any incident or injury on licensed Crown land?

Under Crown land licences, the licensee is responsible for taking all reasonable steps to avoid the risk of harm to a person or their property as a result of their use of the land. As these licences are not for the exclusive use of the land, and the public is currently permitted to access licenced Crown land for various recreational activities, licensees are advised to include licensed Crown river frontages in their public liability insurance. Campers will hold the same duty as licensees to not cause harm to a person or property.

If an incident occurs, it would be subject to standard legal processes.

Can licence holders block public access to the Crown land river frontages adjacent to their properties?

No. The public currently has a right to access and use public land on foot, subject to the regulations. Vehicle access on Crown river frontages is not permitted.

The regulations include offences for erecting barriers or misleading signage to deter access.

Can the public enter or cross private land?

No. Allowing camping on licensed Crown land areas does not change the current situation for someone entering private land. Access to freehold (private) land or leased land adjoining a Crown land frontage without the landowner's or leaseholder's consent is not permitted and would constitute trespassing.

Are licence holders allowed to undertake activities in accordance with their licence, even if these are prohibited in the regulations?

A Crown water frontage licence gives a licence holder authority to use the land for specific purposes, such as grazing or revegetation of the land.

Licence holders do not commit an offence against the regulations (with some exceptions) if they are acting in accordance with their licence purpose. For example, licence holders may operate a vehicle on the licensed Crown water frontage as long as it is associated with the licence purpose including managing livestock or spraying weeds.

A licence holder is subject to the same conditions as a member of the public when undertaking activities not specified in their licence conditions, such as recreational activities.

How are concerns about campers disrupting farming families being addressed?

The public is already able to access licensed Crown river frontages for recreation. Many of the new regulations are similar to those previously in place for these activities and we would expect recreational visitors to be respectful of nearby properties.

The final regulations reflect the extensive feedback received and deliver a fair balance between respecting the interests of adjoining landowners while providing increased opportunities for community recreation.

For example, the regulations only permit camping in designated areas, in areas more than 200 metres from a residential dwelling, and for a maximum of 14 nights.

Where can you camp on licensed Crown river frontages?

Camping areaLocation
Acheron River - Alexandra camping area 14 km north of Taggerty
Acheron River - Alexandra camping area 24 km north of Taggerty
Acheron River - Granton camping area 16.3 km west of Marysville
Camping areaLocation

Avoca River - Amphitheatre camping area 1

4 km south of Amphitheatre

Avoca River - Amphitheatre camping area 2

6 km south of Amphitheatre

Avoca River - Amphitheatre camping area 3

8 km south of Amphitheatre

Avoca River - Amphitheatre camping area 4

8 km south of Amphitheatre
Avoca River - Bealiba camping area 1 and 310.3 km south-west of Bealiba
Avoca River - Bealiba camping area 212 km south of Bealiba
Avoca River - Charlton camping area 120 km south of Charlton
Avoca River - Charlton camping area 218 km south-west of Charlton
Avoca River - Charlton camping area 316 km south of Charlton
Avoca River - Charlton camping area 416 km south of Charlton
Avoca River - Charlton Camping area 5 and 61.4 km north of Charlton
Avoca River - Charlton Camping area 7 and 86 km north of Charlton
Avoca River - Charlton Camping area 95.3 km north of Wycheproof
Avoca River - Charlton Camping area 10 and 118.6 km north-east of Charlton
Avoca River - Charlton Camping area 128.6 km north-east of Charlton
Avoca River - Charlton Camping area 158.6 km north-east of Charlton
Avoca River - Charlton Camping area 1812 km north of Charlton
Avoca River - Charlton Camping area 1913 km north of Charlton
Avoca River - Charlton Camping area 20, 21 and 2212.3 km north of Charlton
Avoca River - Charlton Camping area 234.5 km south-west of Charlton
Avoca River - Charlton Camping area 24 and 255.8 km south-west of Charlton
Avoca River - Quambatook camping area 3, 4a and 4b7 km north of Quambatook
Avoca River - Quambatook camping area 5 and 620 km north-east of Quambatook
Avoca River - Quambatook Camping area 7 and 83.7 km north-east of Quambatook
Avoca River - Quambatook Camping area 9, 10, 11, 14 and 1513 km south of Quambatook
Avoca River - Quambatook Camping area 12 and 1310 km south of Quambatook
Avoca River - Quambatook Camping area 16, 17, 18 and 198 km south of Quambatook
Avoca River - Quambatook Camping area 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 258 km south of Quambatook
Avoca River - St Arnaud camping area 1 and 1023 km north-east of St Arnaud
Avoca River - St Arnaud camping area 215 km east of St Arnaud
Avoca River - St Arnaud camping area 317 km north-east of St Arnaud
Avoca River - St Arnaud camping area 417 km north-east of St Arnaud
Avoca River - St Arnaud camping area 516 km north-east of St Arnaud
Avoca River - Wycheproof camping area 111 km east of Wycheproof
Avoca River - Wycheproof camping area 219 km north-east of Wycheproof
Camping areaLocation
Avon River - Beazleys Bridge camping area 1 and 213 km south-west of St Arnaud
Avon River - Darcys Bridge camping area 1 15 km west of St Arnaud
Avon River - Gre Gre camping area 117 km east of Marnoo
Avon River - Marnoo camping area 115 km east of Marnoo
Avon River - Marnoo East camping area 111 km east of Marnoo
Avon River - Stratford camping area 115 km south east of Stratford
Camping areaLocation
Back Creek - Bendoc camping area 1 and 27 km east of Bendoc
Back Creek - Bendoc camping area 3, 4 and 57 km east of Bendoc
Back Creek - Drummond camping area 14 km south-east of Boort
Back Creek - Penny Flat camping area 111 km south-west of Eskdale
Back Creek - Towaninny camping area 127 km south-east of Towaninny
Camping areaLocation
Barr Creek - Kerang camping area 111.5 km east of Kerang
Camping areaLocation
Bear Creek - Warragul camping area 25 km east of Warragul South
Camping areaLocation
Bemm River - Bemm River camping area 11 km north of Bemm River
Camping areaLocation
Bendigo Creek - Elmore camping area 17 km west of Elmore
Bendigo Creek - Goornong camping area 118 km south of Elmore
Bendigo Creek - Kamarooka camping area 110 km north of Kamarooka
Bendigo Creek - Mitiamo camping area 15 km east of Mitiamo
Camping areaLocation
Bendoc River - Bendoc camping area 1a, 1b and 23.7 km north east of Bendoc
Bendoc River - Bendoc camping area 3 and 49 km east of Bendoc
Camping areaLocation
Bet Bet Creek - Bet Bet camping area 1 3.6 km south-west of Bet Bet
Camping areaLocation
Big River - Glen Valley camping area 1 and 2 4 km north of Glen Valley
Camping areaLocation
Billabong Creek - Peechelba camping area 1 and 28 km north-west of Peechelba
Camping areaLocation
Billys Creek - Churchill camping area 16 km south west of Churchill
Camping areaLocation
Bridge Creek - Benambra camping area 1 & 216 km north of Benambra
Bridge Creek - Dalyston camping area 1 & 21 km south of Dalyston
Camping areaLocation
Broken Creek - Numurkah camping area 16.5 km south west of Numurkah
Broken Creek - Numurkah camping area 27.4 km south west of Numurkah
Broken Creek - Numurkah camping area 310.9 km south west of Numurkah
Broken Creek - Tungamah camping area 114 km south of Tungamah
Broken Creek - Tungamah camping area 224 km south of Tungamah
Camping areaLocation
Bryan Creek - Coleraine camping area 1645 km west of Coleraine
Camping areaLocation
Buffalo Creek - Myrtleford camping area 1, 2 and 38.5 km south of  Myrtleford
Buffalo Creek - Myrtleford camping area 411 km south of Myrtleford
Camping AreaLocation
Bullabul Creek - Arnold camping area 1 1.8 km north of Arnold
Bullabul Creek - Bridgewater on Loddon camping area 1, 2 and 33.5 km north of Bridgewater on Loddon
Bullabul Creek - Bullabul camping area 1 and 25.6 km south of Bridgewater on Loddon
Camping AreaLocation
Bullock Creek - Leichardt camping area 1 & 210 km north of Marong
Camping AreaLocation
Bungalally Creek - Horsham camping area 1 & 28 km south of Horsham
Camping AreaLocation
Campaspe River - Creek View camping area 19 km north east of Goornong
Campaspe River - Echuca camping area 16 km south of Echuca
Camping AreaLocation
Campbell Creek - St Arnaud camping area 2 and 320 km north-east of St Arnaud
Camping AreaLocation
Cann River - Noorinbee camping area 19 km north of Cann River
Camping AreaLocation
Castleburn Creek - Dargo camping area 115 km south of Dargo
Camping areaLocation
Chinaman Creek - Peechelba camping area 16 km south Peechelba
Camping areaLocation
Compton Creek - Nagambie camping area 124 km west of Nagambie
Camping areaLocation
Concongella Creek - Stawell camping area 17 km north-east of Stawell
Camping areaLocation
Corryong Creek - Nariel camping area 1 and 218 km south Colac Colac
Camping areaLocation
Cottontree Creek - Tallangatta camping area 133 km north-east of Tallangatta
Camping AreaLocation
Crawford River - Lyons camping area 19 km south of Hotspur
Camping AreaLocation
Creightons Creek - Molka camping area 112 km south-west of Molka
Camping AreaLocation
Crooked River - Howittville camping area 1, 2, 3 & 444 km north-west of Dargp
Camping AreaLocation
Cudgewa Creek - Beetoomba camping area 14 km north of Lucyvale
Camping AreaLocation
Daisy Hill Creek - Amherst camping area 1500 m south of Amherst
Camping AreaLocation
Dandongadale River - Dandongadale camping area 113 km north west of Dandongadale
Camping areaLocation
Dargo River - Dargo camping area 1 and 28 km south of Dargo
Camping AreaLocation
Dering Channel - Patchwollock camping area 13 km west of Speed
Camping AreaLocation
Dunkmunkle Creek - Dunkmunkle East camping area 112 km east of Minyip
Camping AreaLocation
Elysian Flat Creek and Neilborough Creek - Raywood camping areas 13 km south-east of Raywood
Camping AreaLocation
Forest Creek - Axedale camping area 18 km north east of Axedale
Forest Creek - Axedale camping area 511 km east of Axedale
Camping AreaLocation
Gardiner Creek - Seymour camping area area 124 km west of Seymour
Camping areaLocation
Glenelg River - Balmoral camping area 1600 m south of Balmoral
Glenelg River - Balmoral camping area 314 km north of Balmoral
Glenelg River - Casterton camping area 15 km north of Casterton

Glenelg River - Casterton camping area 4

Still flood impacted and should not be accessed

1.6 km south of Casterton

Glenelg River - Dartmoor camping area 3

Still flood impacted and should not be accessed

10 km north of Dartmoor
Glenelg River - Dartmoor camping area 4 and 51 km east of Dartmoor
Glenelg River - Dergholm camping area 12.5 km east of Dergholm
Camping areaLocation
Goulburn River - Alexandra camping area 1 5 km west from township of Alexandra
Goulburn River - Echuca camping area 114 km east of Echuca
Goulburn River - Kerrisdale camping area 1 20 km from Seymour and Yea
Goulburn River - Molesworth camping area 1 Between Moleswoth and Ghin Ghin
Goulburn River - Molesworth camping area 2a and 2b Between Moleswoth and Ghin Ghin
Goulburn River - Murchison camping area 17 km south of Murchison
Goulburn River - Murchison camping area 21.5 km east of Murchison
Goulburn River - Murchison camping area 47 km east of Murchison

Goulburn River - Murchison camping area 5

4 km south of Murchison

Goulburn River - Murchison camping area 6

2 km south of Murchison
Goulburn River - Seymour camping area 1 1 km south of Seymour
Goulburn River - Tallarook camping area 1 7 km south-east of Seymour
Goulburn River - Tallarook camping area 2 7 km south-east of Seymour
Goulburn River - Thornton camping area 12.5 km east of Thornton
Goulburn River - Yea camping area 1 6 km west of Yea

Goulburn River - Yea camping area 2

5 km west of Yea
Camping areaLocation
Grange Burn - Wannon camping area 14.5 km south of Wannon
Camping areaLocation
Greenhill Creek - Lexton camping area 113 km north of Lexton
Camping areaLocation
Gunbower Creek - Cohuna camping area 115 km north of Gunbower
Gunbower Creek - Cohuna camping area 2 and 37.5 km north of Cohuna
Gunbower Creek - Cohuna camping area 412 km south-east of Cohuna
Gunbower Creek - Patho camping area 18 km south-east of Gunbower
Gunbower Creek - Torrumbarry camping area 18 km north-west of Torrumbarry
Gunbower Creek - Wee Wee Rup camping area 14.7 km east of Wee Wee Rup
Camping areaLocation
Happy Valley Creek - Ovens camping area 316 km north east of Ovens
Camping areaLocation
Kiewa River - Boyds Bridge camping area 12 km west of Gundowring
Kiewa River - Gundowring camping area 3, 4 and 530 km south east of Yackandandah
Kiewa River - Kergunyah camping area 1300 m east of Kergunyah
Kiewa River - Mount Beauty camping area 12.6 km north of Tawonga
Kiewa River -  Tawonga camping area 115 km north of Mt Beauty
Camping areaLocation
King River - Cheshunt camping area 16 km north of Cheshunt South
King River - Whitfield camping area 14.5 km north of Whitfield
King River - Whitfield camping area 28 km north of Whitfield
Camping areaLocation
Kinypanial Creek - Boort camping area 123 km south-east of Boort
Camping areaLocation
La Trobe River - Rosedale camping area 1, 2, 3 and 41.2 km north of Rosedale
La Trobe River - Glengarry camping area 25 km south of Glengarry
Camping areaLocation
Little Murray River - Pental Island camping area 1 and 221 km south east of Swan Hill
Camping areaLocation
Little River East Branch - Ensay camping area 114 km north of Ensay
Camping areaLocation
Little Yarriambiack Creek - Rosebery camping area 13 km south of Rosebery
Camping areaLocation
Livingstone Creek - Omeo camping area 125 km south-west of Omeo
Livingstone Creek - Omeo camping area 2, 3 and 413 km south of Omeo
Livingstone Creek - Omeo camping area 76 km north of Omeo
Livingstone Creek - Omeo camping area 1321 km south-west of Omeo
Camping areaLocation
Loddon River - Baringhup camping area 18 km north-west of Baringhup
Loddon River - Boort camping area 313 km east of Boort
Loddon River - Boort camping area 525 km west of Boort
Loddon River - Boort camping area 625 km west of Boort
Loddon River - Boort camping area 724 km north of Boort
Loddon River - Boort camping area 823 km north of Boort
Loddon River - Boort camping area 923 km north of Boort
Loddon River - Boort camping area 1023 km north of Boort
Loddon River - Boort camping area 1123 km north of Boort
Loddon River - Bridgewater camping area 113 km north of Bridgewater
Loddon River - Bridgewater camping area 21.3 km north of Bridgewater
Loddon River - Bridgewater camping area 37 km south of Bridgewater
Loddon River - Kerang camping area 118 km north of Kerang
Loddon River - Kerang camping area 224 km south of Kerang
Loddon River - Kerang camping area 38 km north of Kerang
Loddon River - Kerang camping area 49 km north of Kerang
Loddon River - Kerang camping area 524 km south of Kerang
Loddon River - Kerang camping area 619 km south of Kerang
Loddon River - Kerang camping area 719 km south of Kerang
Loddon River - Laanecoorie camping area 1300 m north east of Laanecoorie
Loddon River - Murrabit camping area 128 km south-west of Murrabit
Loddon River - Serpentine camping area 14 km south of Serpentine
Loddon River - Serpentine camping area 29 km south of Serpentine
Camping areaLocation
Macalister River - Heyfield camping area 1, 2 & 328 km north of Heyfield
Camping areaLocation
Mackenzie River - Horsham camping area 140 km south of Horsham
Mackenzie River - Wartook camping area 1, 2, 3 and 440 km south of Horsham
Camping areaLocation
Main Northern Channel - Maffra camping area 112 km north of Maffra
Camping areaLocation
Marma Lake Channel - Murtoa camping area 12 km south of Murtoa
Camping areaLocation
Meadow Creek - Moyhu camping area 115 km south east of Moyhu
Camping areaLocation
Middle Creek - Moonambel camping area 111 km south-east of Moonambel
Middle Creek - Moonambel camping area 28 km south of Moonambel
Middle Creek - Yinnar camping area 1 and 32 km north of Yinnar
Camping areaLocation
Mitchell River - Lindenow camping area 15 km east of Lindenow
Camping areaLocation
Mitta Mitta River - Eskdale camping area 21.5 km north of Eskdale
Mitta Mitta River - Eskdale camping area 32 km north-west of Eskdale
Mitta Mitta River - Mitta Mitta North Road camping area 13.8 km north of Mitta Mitta
Mitta Mitta River - Neilson Rd camping area 16 km north of Mitta Mitta
Mitta Mitta River - Tallandoon camping area 1a and 1b6.8 km north-east of Tallandoon
Mitta Mitta River - Tallandoon camping area 34.3 km north-east of Tallandoon
Mitta Mitta River - Tallangatta camping area 120 km south of Tallangatta
Mitta Mitta River - Tallangatta camping area 28 km south of Tallangatta
Camping areaLocation
Moonee Creek - Benalla camping area 122 km south of Benalla
Camping areaLocation
Morwell River - Yinnar camping area 1 and 22.5 km west of Yinnar
Camping areaLocation
Mosquito Creek - Durong camping area 117 km south-west of Edenhope
Camping areaLocation
Mount Hope Creek - Gunbower camping area 127 km south-west of Gunbower
Camping areaLocation
Mount William Creek - Glenorchy camping area 1 and 222.5 km north west of Glenorchy
Camping areaLocation
Murray River Anna Branch - Tyntynder camping area 12 km north of Tyntynder
Murray River - Biggara camping area 113 km south-east of Biggara
Murray River - Corowa camping area 15.4 km east of Brimin
Murray River - Murrabit camping area 15 km north-west of Murrabit
Murray River - Murrabit camping area 212 km north-west of Murrabit
Murray River - Nyah camping area 111 km east of Nyah West
Murray River - Piangil camping area 1, 2 and 35 km south of Piangil
Murray River - Piangil camping area 46 km south of Piangil
Murray River - Piangil camping area 67 km south of Piangil
Murray River - Swan Hill camping area 1, 2 and 331 km east of Swan Hill
Murray River - Swan Hill camping area 411 km north of Swan Hill
Murray River - Swan Hill camping area 514 km north of Swan Hill
Murray River - Swan Hill camping area 6 and 78 km east of Swan Hill
Murray River - Swan Hill camping area 8 and 917 km north of Swan Hill
Camping areaLocation
Nariel Creek - Nariel Creek camping area 1, 2, 3 and 428 km south of Colac Colac
Camping areaLocation
Neilborough Creek and Elysian Flat Creek- Raywood camping area 13 km south-east of Raywood
Neilborough Creek - Raywood camping area 24 km north-west of Raywood
Camping areaLocation
Norton Creek - Lower Norton camping area 112 km south of Horsham
Camping areaLocation
Ovens River - Everton camping area 1 2 km south of Everton
Ovens River - Gapsted camping area 14 km south west of Gapsted
Ovens River - Ovens camping areas 1 and 2Between Myrtleford and Ovens
Ovens River - Wangaratta camping area 1 North of Wangaratta
Ovens River - Wangaratta camping area 2 Approximately 3 km west of Wangaratta
Ovens River - Wangaratta camping area 3 East of Wangaratta
Ovens River - Wangaratta camping area 4 East of Wangaratta
Camping areaLocation
Perry River - Fernbank camping area 1, 2 & 36 km north west of Fernbank
Camping areaLocation
Reedy Creek - Eldorado camping area 125 km east of Eldorado
Camping areaLocation
Richardson River - Banyena camping area 1 and 2Within the Banyena township
Richardson River - Banyena camping area 311.5 km north east of Banyena
Richardson River - Marnoo West camping area 14.5 km south east of Marnoo West
Richardson River - Rupanyup camping area 129 km north east of Rupanyup
Richardson River - Rupanyup camping area 223 km south east of Rupanyup
Camping areaLocation
Riggs Creek - Violet Town camping area 111 km west of Violet Town
Camping areaLocation
Rocklands Channel - Wonwondah East camping area 1At the Wonwondah Recreation Reserve
Camping areaLocation
Rocky Waterholes Creek - Chiltern camping area 111 km west of Chiltern
Camping areaLocation
Rubicon River  - Thornton camping area 1 and 22 km south of Thornton
Camping areaLocation
Salt Creek - Great Western Camping Area 16 km north-east of Great Western
Camping areaLocation
Sandy Creek - Navarre camping area 118 km north-east of Navarre
Camping areaLocation
Serpentine Creek - Durham Ox camping area 1Within Durham Ox
Serpentine Creek - Fernihurst camping area 1 and 220 km north of Serpentine
Camping areaLocation
Seven Creeks - Euroa camping area 117 km north of Euroa
Seven Creeks - Shepparton camping area 117 km south of Shepparton
Seven Creeks - Strathbogie North camping area 111 km north-east of Strathbogie
Camping areaLocation
Seven Mile Creek - Stawell camping area 116 km north-east of Stawell
Camping areaLocation
Shays Creek - Landsborough camping area 17 km south of Landsborough
Camping areaLocation
Sheepwash Creek - Nathalia camping area 1 and 29 km south-west of Nathalia
Camping areaLocation
Skeleton Creek - Kotupna camping area 19 km east of Kotupna
Skeleton Creek - Nathalia camping area 1
Camping areaLocation
Snowy River - Orbost camping area 18 km west of Orbost
Camping areaLocation
Stony Creek - Violet Town camping area 19 km north of Violet Town
Camping areaLocation
Stony Creek & Emu Waterholes Creek - Ruffy camping area 29 km south-east of Ruffy
Camping areaLocation
Swifts Creek - Swifts Creek camping area 1 and 28 km west of Swifts Creek
Camping areaLocation
Tambo River - Ensay camping area 1 and 25 km south of Ensay
Camping areaLocation
Tarwin River - Meeniyan camping area 1 and 22 km west of Meeniyan
Tarwin River - Tarwin camping area 19 km south of Tarwin
Camping areaLocation
Thomson River - Sale camping area 12 km west of Sale
Camping areaLocation
Traralgon Creek - Traralgon camping area 26 km south of Traralgon
Camping areaLocation
Wannon River - Casterton camping area 1 and 2 3 km southeast of Casterton
Wannon River - Casterton camping area 34 km southeast of Casterton
Wannon River - Dunkeld camping area 1 and 28.5 km north west of Dunkeld
Wannon River - Dunkeld camping area 53 km north of Dunkeld
Wannon River - Sandford camping area 12 km south of Sandford
Wannon River - Sandford camping area 25 km south-east of Sandford
Wannon River - Sandford camping area 310 km east of Sandford
Camping areaLocation
Watchbox Creek - Molyullah camping area 14 km south of Molyullah
Camping areaLocation
Watchingorra Creek - Mitta Mitta camping area 19 km north-east of Mitta Mitta
Watchingorra Creek - Mitta Mitta camping area 220 km north of Mitta Mitta
Camping areaLocation
Wattle Creek - Lurg camping area 13 km north-east of Lurg
Camping areaLocation
Weerangourt Creek- Byaduk camping area 16 km east of Byaduk
Camping areaLocation
Wilderness Creek - Morwell camping area 112 km south-west of Morwell
Camping areaLocation
Wildhorse Creek- Tallangatta camping area 227 km south of Tallangatta
Camping areaLocation
Wimmera River - Campbells Bridge camping area 1 and 28 km east of Campbells Bridge
Wimmera River - Crowlands camping area 5Within Crowlands township
Wimmera River - Crowlands camping area 68 km north-west of Crowlands
Wimmera River - Glenorchy camping area 1, 2 and 418 km north-west of Glenorchy
Wimmera River - Glenorchy camping area 321 km north-west of Glenorchy
Wimmera River - Horsham camping area 2, 3 and 418 km south-west of Horsham
Wimmera River - Horsham camping area 5 and 66.8 km east of Natimuk
Wimmera River - Horsham camping area 11 and 1229 km north-west of Horsham
Wimmera River - Longerenong camping area 312.5 km east of Horsham
Wimmera River - Longerenong camping area 5, 6 and 713.5 km east of Horsham
Wimmera River - Longerenong camping area 1018 km south-east of Longerenong
Camping areaLocation
Wonnangatta River - Dargo camping area 1 and 213 km south of Dargo
Camping areaLocation
Yarriambiack Creek - Hopetoun camping area 1 and 25 km south of Hopetoun
Yarriambiack Creek - Hopetoun camping area 3, 4 and 59 km south of Hopetoun
Yarriambiack Creek - Jung camping area 1 & 22 km south of Jung
Yarriambiack Creek - Kellalac camping area 15.5 km south of Kallalac
Yarriambiack Creek - Kellalac camping area 24 km south of Kellalac
Yarriambiack Creek - Kellalac camping area 38 km south of Kellalac
Yarriambiack Creek - Murtoa camping area 1, 2 & 337 km north east of Horsham
Yarriambiack Creek - Murtoa camping area 510 km north west of Murtoa
Yarriambiack Creek - Murtoa camping area 6 and 714 km north west of Murtoa
Yarriambiack Creek - Warracknabeal camping area 115 km south of Warracknabeal
Camping areaLocation
Yea River - Yea camping area 113 km south of Yea

Resources and further information

Land (Regulated Watercourse Land) Regulations 2021

The recreational use of Crown water frontages is managed by the Regulated Watercourse Land Regulations 2021.

The regulations establish a clear set of rules and behaviours for the recreational use of Crown land near watercourses, both licensed and unlicensed. The regulations aim to:

  • protect the environment, including natural and cultural values, and water quality
  • support the enjoyment of those using the land for recreation
  • protect the interests of licensees
  • manage fire risk.

The regulations include tools to assist land managers to manage particular circumstances, including designating (‘setting aside’) areas for particular purposes for example to protect sensitive natural or cultural values.

Other resources

Accessible documents

Page last updated: 12/08/24