Victoria’s Public Land estate, which includes sporting clubs, community halls and caravan and camping parks, are highly valued by local communities and tourists.

There are over 2,000 public buildings on public land across Victoria whose revenue streams have severely reduced due to COVID-19, ultimately delaying necessary maintenance and improvements.

The Community Infrastructure and Sustainability Program will support the management of Victoria’s public land and improve access to critical community infrastructure.

Key pillars of the program include:

  • Capital works projects to renew community facilities, improving safety and accessibility.
  • Investments to reduce the energy footprint of public buildings to deliver ongoing cost savings.
  • Strengthening Victoria’s volunteer, community-led land management committees.

Targeted investment towards improved safety, functionality and financial viability will deliver more sustainable public facilities for all Victorians to continue to enjoy.

The Community Infrastructure and Sustainability Program will fast track priority works to support local jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic recovery.

Current projects underway

At the 2022 State Budget, $6.5 million funding was announced for community facility upgrades at Patterson River. Works will address known safety risks, followed by detailed design and further community engagement to implement larger scale improvements throughout 2023-24.

Upper Precinct program of works include:

  • Design of a new multipurpose community facility
  • Safer more accessible pathways
  • Dedicated spectator viewing areas
  • Increased berthing options for powered vessels
  • Enhanced vegetation to support shade, drainage, and erosion control

Lower Precinct program of works include:

  • Design of a new multipurpose building
  • Redesign of Launching Way’s main entrance road
  • Improved picnic facilities and increased shade
  • Safer more accessible pathways, including pedestrian lighting and separation
  • Investigation of a northern bank boardwalk

The precinct uplift responds to the community vision for Patterson River, established in 2018. Read the full engagement report on Engage Vic.

To view the latest community update click here.

To  contact the project team, email

The program of works is currently under development with Parks Victoria.

The program of works is currently under development with Working Heritage.

Page last updated: 09/02/23